Exerpts from "Detoxify or Die"

By Sherry A. Rogers, MD

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Because environmental poisons overwhelm our ability to detoxify them, they slowly accumulate. How high the total body burden or total load of chemicals gets, determines how fast we will go downhill with disease. How much you are exposed to, how protective your diet is of antioxidants, and how strong your detoxification system is determine how fast and how many of these unwanted chemicals you can harbor without showing any symptoms. We don't get cancer or a heart attack overnight. We spend our whole lives stockpiling for it.

Environmental Toxins Cause All Human Diseases

Stockpiled chemicals stored in our fat don't stay put. They can cause any symptom or disease from high blood pressure, heart failure, osteoporosis, high cholesterol, arthritis, or Alzheimer's disease to fibromyalgia, degenerating disks, Parkinson's disease, depression, fatigue, irritable bowel, loss of libido, colitis, asthma, eczema, prostatitis, esophagitis, atrial fibrillation, GERO (gastroesophageal reflux disease), hearing loss, headaches, recurrent sinus, ear or throat infections, diabetes or cancer, and more.

Myths: Small Amounts Are Harmless

Every amount that we have created stays in the environment and merely cycles through soil, plants, and animals. Small amounts would be harmless if we had a way of getting rid of them, but instead they slowly stockpile. There is no question that these accumulated toxins are behind every disease.

Getting Rid of Environmental Toxins Reverses Diseases

Environmental toxins permeate every aspect of our air, food and water. These toxins make their way into our bodies. All medications turn off damaged pathway but do nothing to get rid of the underlying causes. Medicine's solution for nearly every disease is a lifetime sentencing to costly medications with a laundry list of side effects. The fact is that tough diseases cannot heal until the body has unloaded its burden of stockpiled, disease-causing chemicals. Detoxification of our lifelong cumulative effects of diet and environment is the key. People vary tremendously in their ability to detoxify.

The Merry-Go-Round

And for every disease, medicine has a new drug with a long list of side effects that will bring on even more new symptoms. Every disease is a deficiency of some drug. The accumulation of diesel exhaust has caused hypertension, the first drug use by medicine is a fluid pill, but diuretics accelerate the loss through the urine of potassium and magnesium. Deficiencies of either of these two minerals can also cause hypertension. So as the blood pressure goes higher, and new medications are brought onboard, these
usually include a calcium channel blocker. Calcium channel blockers cause a shrinking of the brain and function loss within a few short years, dismissed as "normal aging" or later, Alzheimer's.

The magnesium deficiency remains uncorrected and is increasing with the continual use of diuretics, so other magnesium-induced deficiency symptoms start piling on. Besides higher blood pressure, now you have palpitations, migraines, asthma, colitis, muscle spasms and back pain.

Unquestionably diet and environment are pivotal contributors to cancer and other diseases: one plus one can equal ten in terms of overall toxicity. Luckily there are many natural nutrients (that are either made in the body or in plants or other animals) that are able to boost detoxification. For drugs destroy natural function. Rather than fixing what is broken, the pathway is merely turned off, analogous to turning off your car’s flashing red oil light: with drugs the sick get sicker, quicker.

The Secret of Sweat: Sauna Proven in the Toughest, Most Resistant Cases
If you want to prove that a new medical therapy works, pick the most recalcitrant, impossible to treat conditions:

Alcoholism is a biochemical disease, not a lack of will power. And curing it requires (1) correcting fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and orphan nutrients, plus (2) removing toxic residues of drugs, alcohol, and other chemicals that damage normal function of brain chemistry responsible for pleasure sensation.

As lifesaving as sauna programs are there was a problem with saunas. Not everyone could tolerate them. Many of us just plain had broken, poisoned, thermostats and could not tolerate high heat. Heart patients are notoriously intolerant of heat; would never sweat, but just remained bone dry and beet red.

The Superior Sauna — FIRS (Far Infrared Sauna)

What is the best way to get rid of toxic chemicals? When a sauna makes you feel weak, sick. have a fast heart rate, faint, dizzy, panicky, headachy or just plain miserable, what is the solution? The far infrared sauna. Thanks to improved technology, the far infrared sauna is far safer and infinitely more tolerable, because it uses a heat energy that penetrates tissues, triggering mobilization of chemicals from subcutaneous fat storage, directly into the sweat. This activating penetration allows for a much lower overall temperature to be used, one that is enjoyable and not torture. In Rogers’ own words: “I always worried about, in a conventional sauna, my eyeballs burned so much. I do not get that type of eye pain in the infrared sauna, only profuse sweating.”

Over weeks and months there is an equilibrium, where chemicals that were stored in other organs slowly and safely disseminate throughout the body and eventually empty into subcutaneous fat. It is the chemical load that is stored beneath the skin that is the main area activated by the far infrared sauna. The body gets rid of stored chemicals in stool, urine or sweat. The sweat route requires no drugs and is the most efficient and natural (man used to physically work and sweat before computers were invented); high-tech pollution requires high-tech solutions.

"Far infrared rays most vital to healing are 4 - 14 microns, (they) also are the majority of sun energy
or photons (safest and most beneficial) responsible for photosynthesis;
lowers lactic acid, stimulates brain, kills organisms, penetrates tissues, stops swelling. improves lymphatic flow, attracts calcium to cell membranes; detoxifies by vibrating ionic bonds and reducing the size of water clusters;
by creating a resonance dance between water and chemical molecules,
it facilitates water moving stored toxins out of the cell and into sweat."

— Dr. Sherry Rogers   
author of Detoxify or Die   

If you're overwhelmed by medical bills with no end in sight, it's time to consider reversing the hidden causes of your diseases:
(1) Just add up the time and money you wasted getting diagnosed. (2) Or add up the cost for a year of prescription medications and you will have paid for it. But the advantages do not end there. (3) Once you have it, it's yours to use forever, for the world will never run out of ways to poison us. (4) The whole family can use it. (5) It is not only capable of providing the primary “cure” or solution for your current medical problem, but can free you from symptom-producing medications.

The far infrared sauna is something that everyone should do to restore health, and then continue to do on a less frequent basis to maintain the "cleaned out” for the rest of their lives. It's therapeutic as well as prophylactic.

The Hot Solution for Body Pollution: FIRS
How can we bring aging and illness to a screeching halt? Sweat out the poisons is the answer, but not any old sauna or sweating program will do, in fact some are dangerous.

FIRS, the Onlv Sauna Proven Safe For Elderly, Severe End-Stage Patients

Many people who are sick, like heart patients, would never tolerate the extreme temperatures of regular saunas. CHF or congestive heart failure starts with any heart symptom you can imagine. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, angina arrhythmia like atrial fibrillation, dyspnea (shortness of breath, beginning with the stairs and inclines), claudication (leg pains when walking), pedal edema (ankle swelling) pericarditis, cardio-myopathy (heavy metal or other poisoning of heart muscle), fluid in the lungs, recurrent pneumonias, bypass surgery (putting new coronary vessels in) or endarterectomy (roto-rooting or reaming out the old plugged arteries) can be the beginning that insidiously leads to congestive heart failure. The common symptom is shortness of breath, especially on stairs, inclines, or while doing repeated deep knee bends, or jogging. An even worse sign is the swelling of ankles at the end of the day, indicating they are so overloaded that fluid backs up all the way to the leg vessels.

The Heart as an Allergic Target Organ

The far infrared sauna (FIRS) has been proven by specialists at the famed Mayo Clinic to improve heart failure, even when nothing more could be done by medicine. But not any old sauna was effective, for example, the regular or dry Finnish saunas actually triggered worsening of arrhythmias, increased hypertension and shortness of breath (even at rest), and most heart patients could not tolerate them.

The far infrared sauna (FIRS) was not only very well tolerated with no adverse reactions, but it got rid of so many of the underlying chemical triggers of CHF, that these end-stage heart patients actually reversed and improved and were able to discard some of their medications. With CHF, the rule in medicine is you increasingly pile on medications as you deteriorate.

How is the Far Infrared Sauna Different?

Energy that comes from the sun is responsible for photosynthesis, the process by which plants make energy to grow. Solar energy is responsible for all of life. The spectrum of energy from the sun is classified according to the length of the waves. The far infrared (FIR) spectrum, spans from 1,000 to 4 microns. Between 4 - 14 microns in the FIR (far infrared) spectrum, fall most of the rays that are the safest and most vital to health and healing. They are responsible for photosynthesis, without which there would be no life on earth. Even our bodies radiate infrared energy through our skin between 3 – 50 microns, mostly around 9.4 microns.

Far infrared rays are the healing, safe rays of the sun’s spectrum, responsible for photosynthesis. Without this wavelength, plants would be unable to make energy, and consequently, there would be no life on earth.

Far infrared wavelengths have other beneficial properties. They lower lactic acid, stimulate endorphins or happy hormones of the brain, and kill organisms like bacteria and parasites. They penetrate tissues, detoxify cells by vibrating ionic bonds, stop swelling, improve lymphatic flow and blood circulation, and attract calcium to cell membranes where it is needed for healing.

Far infrared wavelengths also decrease the size of water clusters, giving them greater mobility and penetration in and out of body tissues. For it is when these hyperactive or energized water molecules move in and out of cells that they also carry toxins that previously were stuck. FIR energy actually causes a resonance dance between the water and chemical molecules to mobilize and unite them.

The lungs, urine, stool, and sweat are the main vehicles the body has for getting rid of nasty chemicals. But by far sweat is the most efficacious. And Mayo Clinic studies show that FIR is the safest way to induce sweat, using the most heat-sensitive cardiac patients as proof. (Tei).

Not only did these serious end-stage heart patients tolerate the FIR sauna, but they had no side effects from it. Furthermore, in getting rid of chemicals that were the underlying causes of their diseases, they improved their heart function, something that the latest in surgery or drugs was powerless to do for them. The FIR sauna literally saved their lives.

During the sauna, no patients had dyspnea (shortness of breath), angina (chest pain) or arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), nor complained of excess heat. There were no side effects, something that never happens with drugs and surgery. Diastolic blood pressure (the low number) decreased but systolic pressure (the top number) was unchanged. Furthermore the stroke volume and ejection fraction increased, meaning the heart beat more efficiently with less effort.

Contrast this with warm baths that caused an increase in systemic blood pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance. Warm baths, by raising blood pressure cause more work for an already failing heart. And in a regular sauna, arrythmias increased 20%, whereas in the FIR sauna, arrhythmias decreased or disappeared entirely. Other cardiovascular improvements include decreased pulmonary arterial and
capillary wedge pressure as well as right atrial pressure, and in some cases disappearance of mitral regurgitation.

Because the far infrared sauna has so many physiologic benefits that improved cellular detoxification (without making the rest of the body toxic or sick in the process), no side effects were observed with the FlR sauna, even at 60 °C. In contrast, FIR sauna was extremely well tolerated and did the impossible. Even though medicine had nothing more to offer, congestive heart failure was reversed by the far infrared sauna.

FIRS Cures the Most Mysterious Cases

The bottom line is that folks with the most severe forms of heart disease and resistant to all rnedications, tolerated the FIRS with no side effects. lt should not surprise you by now that mysterious joint pain in war veterans exposed to Agent Orange also disappeared, as did a host of other pain syndromes. And let's face it. Most occupations have their specific toxins.

Sweating is a God-given mechanism, but it must be done properly and safely to be successful. The far infrared sauna is something that you will use for a lifetime. It is a major tool not only in your detox program, but also in your anti-aging program.

The bottom line is that sweat is the only proven method for getting the most damaging toxins out of the body. Far infrared sauna technology is the only proven, most efficacious way of getting rid of stored environmental chemicals.